Minggu, 29 September 2013

We invite all Junior High School English Teachers in Pasuruan City to attend our regular meeting on:
Day /Date     : Tuesday, October 1st, 2013
Time             : 08.30 a.m - 12.00 a.m
Place            : SMPN 11 Pasuruan
                       Jl. Halmahera IX/68 Pasuruan
Agenda        :  1. Sharing
                       2. Briefing ( PTK, PKG/PKB/ 2013 curriculum) from English Teachers' supervisor,
                          Mr. Fauzan Suryantara.
                       3. Making a plan for data collection for PTK and Lesson Study.
                       4. Mini Seminar on Teaching Techniques.

We do hope for your participation in this program.Thank you  very much.

Sincerelly yours,

MGMP Chairwoman

Etik Wahyuni, S.Pd

Note: Please forward this invitation to other members.

Rabu, 18 September 2013

MGMP Meeting at SMPN 1 Pasuruan

        The second routine meeting of English Teachers Forum in Pasuruan City was held on September 17th, 2013 at SMPN 1 Pasuruan. The meeting was attended by 43 English teachers from several junior high schools in Pasuruan. The meeting was scheduled to begin at 08.00, but because some teachers had a schedule for teaching at the first and the second period, the meeting was started at 08.45.
The agenda of the meeting was:
1. Opening
2. The speech of the Headmaster of SMPN 1Pasuruan
3. The Speech from the English teachers' supervisor
4. Mini seminars on Classroom action Research
5. Closing

         After the opening, the headmaster of SMPN 1 Pasuruan and the advisor of MGMP,   Agus Harianto, S.Pd, MM, delivered a short speech about quantum teaching. We have to create the joyful environment in the class, so that the student will enjoy their time in the class. He also suggested that teachers improve their ability in writing. MGMP should publish monthly bulletin in which teachers  can express their idea. One of the great teachers' quality is their ability to write. MGMP can be the media for the teachers to learn about public speaking. The teachers can practice giving mini seminar.
         The second speech was delivered by the supervisor of MGMP,  Fauzan Suryantara, MM. He talked about "PKG/PKB" for teachers. He insisted that teacher improve their teaching quality that they can fulfill the requirement for "PKG/PKB". He suggested that teachers read the regulation about it. Next, Mr. Fauzan focuses on the implementation of 2013 curriculum in our city. Some teachers complain that it is difficult to make the students accustomed to follow the scientific approach, but it will give a good effect for the students. It is difficult to change the teachers' way of teaching. The teachers is accustomed to giving information for the students instead of letting them discover it. We have to change the paradigm. The teachers must make good preparation for their teaching. the lesson must be complete. For instance, if there are five indicators, at least there must be five teaching objectives. Teachers must prepare the media, at least pictures, to attract the students attention. In short, Mr. Fauzan encouraged the teachers to be great teachers.
         The next agenda was the mini seminar on Classroom Action Research. There were three speakers explaining in details about the process of their research writing. The first speaker was the former MGMP chairman, Hendro Jayalaksana, S.Pd. He wrote a research on the effectiveness of pictures and jumbled words combination to improve students writing achievement  on descriptive text at  SMPN 2 Pasuruan . He presented his research on this title respectively that it could really give clear steps for the teachers to start their own. He explained in details how to develop each chapter of the research. (The abstract of the research will be posted soon)
         The next speaker was Mohammad Yusup, S.Pd from SMPN 5 Pasuruan. He developed a research on the effectiveness of English song to improve students' listening comprehension achievement at SMPN 5 Pasuruan . His research was an experimental research because he used a control and an experiment group in his research. The finding of the research suggested that the experiment group was better than the other group. (the abstract will be posted soon)
         The third speaker was Choiriyah, M.Pd from MTSn Pasuruan. She conducted a research on the effectiveness of the role play to increase student speaking ability at MTSn Pasuruan.(the abstract of the research will be posted soon)
           For the next meeting the teachers will have a workshop on CAR research. They will be seated in groups to develop their own research. The group will be guided by 3 speakers who spoke at this week meeting.  Two teachers will be observed when they take the data(do). It will be a lesson study.

           We always invite all English teachers (members)  to participate in each meeting. The next meeting will be held at SMPN 11 PAsuruan, on Jl. Halmahera IX/68 Pasuruan.

           Let's improve our competence through MGMP. 

The documentation of the meeting


Selasa, 03 September 2013

Pertemuan MGMP Bahasa Inggris  SMP Kota Pasuruan
Tanggal 3 September 2013

Pada hari ini telah diadakan pertemuan rutin MGMP Bahasa Inggris Kota Pasuruan setelah beberapa waktu ini guru-guru disibukkan dengan persiapan penerapan kurikulum 2013 dan peringatan HUT RI ke-68.  Kurang lebih 37 guru hadir dalam pertemuan ini.
Agenda acara MGMP pada hari ini adalah:
1. Pembukaan
2. Sambutan Kepala SMPN 2 Pasuruan
3. Ceramah agama dan motivasi dari  kepala SMPN 1
4. Sharing Program
5. Bedah RPP

      Acara dimulai pada pukul 9.30 pagi dan yang bertindak sebagai pembawa acara adalah Hendro Jayalaksana, S.Pd.
      Kemudian sambutan dari Kepala SMPN 2 Pasuruan, bapak Erman, beliau menyampaikan tentang pentingnya guru untuk terus berusaha bekerja dengan penuh kesungguhan untuk memenuhi amanah  kita sebagai pendidik. hendaknya kita tidak larut dalam urusan-urusan yang lain dan melupakan kewajiban kita mengajar. Beliau juga menekankan pentingnya saling memberi masukan demi kemajuan, tidak terbatas Mapel. Guru-guru hendaknya menkaji dan menerapkan RPPnya dengan baik dan ini akan mengarahkan guru pada Case Study untuk PTK.
      Setelah itu acara ceramah dari Bapak Agus Harianto, S.Pd, M.Pd, beliau menyampaikan agar hendaknya kita tetap solid dan kuat dalam tim sekolah meskipun banyak kendala yang dihadapi. Jangan ragu minta bantuan jika memerlukan orang lain.  Sering kita dalam group work dan team work. Kita harus selalu bersatu membantu jika dalam kelompok kita ada yang memerlukan bantuan. Selain itu hendaknya kita menjadi orang yang menyayangi orang lain, karena jika kita melakukannya maka orang akan menyayangi kita. Pada acara ini beliau juga membuka peluang bagi anggota MGMP Bahasa Inggris yang ingin menulis di Majalah Media Pendidikan atau Bangkit. Hal ini tentunya membantu untuk guru karena adanya penilaian PKG dan PKB. Beliau juga aktif menulis beberapa buku diantarannya " Seeds of Love" dan "Learning  English is fun"
      Pada acara sharing program dianalisis kebutuhan guru anggota antara lain
1. Analisis Perangkat pengajaran
2. Lesson Study
3. Pelatihan PTK
4. Kajian Peraturan pemerintah tentang pengajaran dan model-model pembelajaran
    hal ini diharapkan akan meningkatkan kompetensi guru
    Dari hasil analisis ini rencana program semester untuk kegiatan MGMP akan dibuat demi kemajuan guru bahasa Inggris kota Pasuruan.

Pada sesi koordinasi penyusunan perangkat, Sharing dilakukan oleh Etik Wahyuni, S.Pd, (ketua MGMP Bahasa Inggris  SMP Kota Pasuruan)  dan Juwita Kusumawati, S.Pd ( bendahara MGMP).  Dalam sharing ini dikaji salah satu rencana pengajaran untuk kelas 7 smp.
Ada  beberapa hal yang menjadi catatan:
1. Kompetensi inti boleh dicantumkan dan boleh tidak.
2. Untuk indikator sebaiknya jelas dimasing-masing ranah.
3. Untuk penulisan tujuan hendaknya memperhatikan ABCD. Audience, behaviour, Condition, Degree-nya
4. Langkah-langkah sebaiknya jelas bersifat praktis. Untuk penulisan bagian pendekatan scientifik dapat    dilakukan dengan memberi kurung dibelakang langkah-langkah, tidak perkotak karena kesulitan.
5. Rubrik penilaian dan format penilaian kelas hendaknya disediakan perkelas.
6. RPP tidak harus disusun per tahun/semester tetapi menyesuaikan pertemuan agar kondisi di kelas bisa diantisipasi.

Dalam sharing juga dikemukakan kesulitan dan tips-tips agar menarik bagi siswa.
Beberapa dokumentasi kegiatan

sambutan Kepala SMPN 2 Pasuruan
Peserta MGMP

Sambutan/ceramah agama dari Kepala SMPN 1 Pasuruan
Bapak Agus Harianto, S.Pd,MM